HTTP Requests for Data Retrieval Arduino Tutorial


In this tutorial we learn HTTP Requests for Data Retrieval Arduino Tutorial, The Arduino platform provides an array of possibilities for interacting with the digital world. One powerful feature it offers is the ability to make HTTP requests, allowing you to retrieve data from websites or web services. In this article, we will explore how to leverage this capability and harness the potential of Arduino for data retrieval.

To begin with, let’s understand the basics of HTTP requests and how they work. HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which is a protocol for transmitting data over the internet. HTTP requests are messages sent by a client (in our case, an Arduino board) to a server, requesting specific information or resources.

Hardware Required

Components#Buy From Amazon
Arduino UNO1Buy Now
Arduino Ethernet Shield 21Buy Now
Ethernet Cable1Buy Now
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Before we delve into making HTTP requests with Arduino, there are a few prerequisites to consider:

  1. Arduino with Internet Connectivity: Ensure that you have an Arduino board equipped with internet connectivity capabilities. This can be achieved using Ethernet shields, WiFi shields, or even Arduino boards with built-in connectivity modules like the Arduino MKR series.
  2. Arduino IDE: Install the latest version of the Arduino IDE on your computer. You can download it from the official Arduino website.
  3. Library Installation: To simplify the process of making HTTP requests, we will utilize the ArduinoHttpClient library. Install this library by navigating to Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries in the Arduino IDE and searching for “ArduinoHttpClient.”

Making GET Requests

Now that we have the prerequisites in place, let’s explore how to make a simple HTTP GET request using Arduino. We will retrieve data from a web server and print it to the Serial Monitor for demonstration purposes.

HTTP-Request-Web-Client-Arduino Tutorial

Installing Libraries

Now when you are Ready to upload the code, to the Arduino Board you will need first to add the Following Libraries in Arduino, If you Learn How to add the library in the Arduino step-by-step guide click on how to install the library Button given Blow


Here’s an example code snippet to get you started:

#include <Ethernet.h>  // Include the Ethernet library
#include <EthernetHttpClient.h>  // Include the HttpClient library

// Define the server and path for the HTTP request
char server[] = "";
char path[] = "/data";

EthernetClient ethClient;  // Create an Ethernet client object
HttpClient client(ethClient, server, 80);  // Create an HttpClient object

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);  // Initialize the Serial Monitor
  Ethernet.begin(mac);  // Initialize the Ethernet connection
  delay(1000);  // Delay for connection stability

void loop() {
  Serial.println("Making HTTP GET request...");
  // Send the GET request and retrieve the response
  // Print the response to the Serial Monitor
  while (client.available()) {
    char c =;
  delay(5000);  // Delay before making the next request

Code Explanation

In this example, we first include the necessary libraries, Ethernet.h and EthernetHttpClient.h. We define the server and path for the HTTP request, specifying the domain or IP address of the server and the specific path to the data we want to retrieve.

Inside the setup() function, we initialize the Serial Monitor and the Ethernet connection. In the loop() function, we make the HTTP GET request using client.get(path). The response is then printed to the Serial Monitor using

Upload the code to your Arduino board and open the Serial Monitor. You should see the data retrieved from the server printed on the screen.

Customizing and Handling Responses

In the previous example, we retrieved the response from the server and printed it directly. However, in many cases, the response may be in a specific format such as JSON or XML. To handle such responses, you can use additional libraries like ArduinoJson or XMLParser.

By parsing the response, you can extract specific data and utilize it in your Arduino projects. Additionally, you can incorporate conditional statements and control structures to perform different actions based on the received data.


HTTP Requests for Data Retrieval Arduino Tutorial opens up a wide range of possibilities for data retrieval and integration with web services. Whether you need to fetch weather data, access an API, or retrieve information from a remote server, Arduino’s capability to communicate over the internet empowers you to create dynamic and interactive projects.

Remember to take precautions while making HTTP requests, such as handling errors and ensuring the security of your connections when dealing with sensitive data. With a solid understanding of HTTP requests and the right libraries, you can explore limitless opportunities for incorporating web-based data into your Arduino projects.

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